Monday, October 23, 2006

Visiting with Australia's Olympic Motivational Coach

Coaches: (L-to-R) Rauterkus, Bower, & Laurie Lawrence of Australia.

Check out the video below and witness a bit of the pep talk and poem he delivered to the guys at camp this summer.

Watch the Video


ISHOF - Laurie Lawrence (AUS) - 1996 Honor Coach From being around the Townsville Pool his father ran, and sparked into swimming by the legendary Hall of Famer Jon Henricks, Laurie Lawrence has become a swimming legend and a maker of champions, capable of lifting the spirits of those around him to soaring heights. He is many other things too - extrovert, patriot, poet, humorist, singer and now the most sought after motivational speaker in Australia. His swimmers have set over seventeen world records, and he has coached Aussie Teams to three Commonwealth Games and three Olympic teams. He possesses the qualities with which he works to instill in every competitor: be proud, persist, work hard, stand tall, don't quit, don't bend, don't break, don't fall.

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